Give a Mile is challenging our community to the Million Mile Challenge. Our goal is to raise 1 Million travel points (or the cash equivalent*) between November 1st and December 31!
Give A Mile is also be running “friend funding campaigns,” whereby an individual — or “flight hero” — takes on raising the required miles for one flight through their social network, accumulating 25,000 miles through 25 friends who donate 1,000 miles apiece in 25 days. Give A Mile is hoping to run 10 such friend funding campaigns during the Million Mile Challenge. Aeroplan is also on board, and will match any miles donated in November (to a maximum of 250,000 miles) – and with the popularity and awareness of the annual GivingTuesday movement on Dec. 2, Give A Mile will be launching a social media campaign for the cross-Canada event. “We know that people start thinking about giving back at this time of year,” notes Kevin Crowe, Founder of Give a Mile. “What an incredible gift to help facilitate a support flight, and bring together family and friends with loved ones who are nearing the end of their lives.” Find out how the Give A Mile donation process works and how you can make a donation to Give A Mile — either in travel loyalty points to make a specific flight happen, or in cash to help pay for flight taxes and support costs.