For this man rugby truly "is more than a game, it's a way of life".
I just received the following email from Fred - " In March I got a small lump in front of my right ear. It continued to grow and was removed by surgery August 13. The pathology showed the tumor to a cancer called Lymphoma.To eliminate the lymphoma I will be treated by Chemo therapy for 4 months .The Medics are very optimistics about the future since this is a very curable form of cancer.There are certain side effects from the chemo . Fatigue possible nausea and hair loss which grows back later.The overall prognosis is good and I am being treated by top people in the field ".
All our thoughts and prayers are with this crazy Irishman and I'm sure that we'' see him very soon on another Howlers tour.
If you would like to drop a line to Fred his email address is - [email protected]
Karl Fix