Partners in the project at this point are as follows;
Alcaldía de Medellin (City of Medellin)
El ColomboAmericano
Mayo Por La Vida 2015
Liga Antioqueña de Rugby
Dog River Howlers Rugby Club
University of Regina (Social Work Faculty)
Colegio San Ignacio
The project in short will be as follows.
The ColomboAmericano Art Gallery in Medellin, where I am completing my final social work practicum, works in a variety of schools and focuses on creating art metaphors for social problems. The program works in six to eight week cycles in which they single out a social issue, invite a group of local artists to a round-table to develop ideas, then work in eight designated high schools in creating an art exhibits, which will then be displayed in an art gallery in downtown Medellin for a period of 6 to 8 weeks.
My job in these projects has been to act as a social advisor to the artists and students.
The current lab based around non-violence is called “Deporte no es Violencia” (Sports is non-Violent). Outside of North America, when we talk about violence in sports we are talking about violence that happens outside of game. This societal violence is seen in forms fan violence and violence towards players and officials.
Anyway, in addition to the art lab the City of Medellin has funded us for a rugby project. Having spoke with them about the values and culture of rugby they suggested a tournament at the end of May with students from the 8 schools.
The fund has allowed for the hiring of several of the Colombia national players, including cap Howler, Juan Manuel Diosa, as coaches in the project.
Week one was a lot of fun; hopefully we can continue to grow something special.
Thanks to all the Howlers who have helped us gain this momentum.