Rugby Canada and The Dog River Howlers
and Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dog-River-Howlers-Rugby-Club/171358302913109 ) worked together in 2011 to run a successful We Stand on Guard for Thee campaign in support the National Senior Men’s Team. The program was based on the theory of the rugby team standing on guard for Canada as they prepared to compete for our country at the 2011 Rugby World Cup in New Zealand and the rugby community in turn standing on guard for the team. The effort was a great success with over $54,000 raised to support the players.
Rugby Canada and The Dog River Howlers are teaming up to help Huggy raise funds for his new van. Graham Brown, CEO of Rugby Canada stated that, “Rugby Canada is happy to get behind Huggy and support his efforts to raise funds for a new van. The rugby community in Canada is a tight knit group and it’s encouraging to see that people from across the country are coming together to help a fellow rugby friend in need.” According to Karl Fix, President of The Dog River Howlers Rugby Club, whose motto is “it’s more than a game, it’s a way of life,” this effort falls in line with the meaning behind why the We Stand on Guard for Thee program was originally started. “Huggy took the risk that all players do when stepping on to the field. It’s unfortunate that he suffered such a severe life-changing injury and now it’s time for the rugby community to stand on guard for him in his time of need.”
Donations are now being accepted and all contributions are greatly appreciated. Ryan Smith, a Rugby Canada National Team member and Dog River Howlers player and coach adds “Everyone knows that the rugby community is inundated with requests for donations and support, so it doesn’t matter the amount you are able to give. It’s the act of giving which shows your solidarity and our ability to pull together towards common goals.” To add some extra incentive, Rugby Canada and The Dog River Howlers have offered the signature We Stand on Guard for Thee prints (with all the Canadian RWC captains signed on the back - see attached). Donations of $250 or more will receive one of the We Stand on Guard for Thee paper print and donations of $500 or more will receive a canvas print. These prints were very popular with the fundraising effort last year and feature signatures of all Rugby World Cup Captains on the back.
The Dog River Howlers have already have $5,500 pledged for Huggy to use towards the purchase of the new van thanks to the following supporters:
Karl Fix - Howlers/Regina Rogues Rugby Club
David Robertson - head master Shawnigan Lake School (Vancouver Island)
Shawnigan Lake School
Tara Nameth - Kirin Rugby (Saskatoon)
Gary Dukelow - Cowachin Rugby Club/ Shawnigan Lake School
Robin Mc Dowell - Howlers/Regina Rogues Rugby Club
Val-Zehan family (Sam, Larry and Barb) - Howlers/Calgary Irish Rugby Club
Mike Devlin - President of the Burnaby Buffalos Rugby Club
Randy Ludwar - Howlers/Moose Jaw Nads Rugby Club
Graham Brown - CEO of Rugby Canada
Ryan Smith - Howlers/Calgary Irish Rugby Club/ former Canadian National Team Player
Troy Myers - Rugby Canada Atlantic Director/ Cole Harbour Rugby Club
Chris Suvan - Edmonton Leprechaun Tigers Rugby Club
Buchanan family (Carol, Michael and James) - Howlers/Calgary Hornets Rugby Club
James Acker - Howlers/Montreal Irish Rugby Club
Rick Bourne - Chairman of Rugby Canada Board of Directors/UBC Old Boys Rugby Club
Paul Van Wyck - Howlers/Montreal Irish Rugby Club
Chase Sereda - Howlers/ Bayside Sharks Rugby Club
Dan Jackart - former Canadian National Team player
Patricia Jaworski - Howlers/Calgary Hornets Rugby Club
Mike Holmes - Howlers/Velox-Vallahaillans Rugby Club/former Canadian National Team player
Mark Wyatt - Howlers/Velox-Vallahaillans Rugby Club/former Canadian National Team player and captain
Albert Albertino - Howlers/Calgary Saints Rugby Club
Maria Jaworski and Mozak Samson - both Howlers/Calgary Hornets and Calgary Saints Rugby Clubs
Gillian Allen - Howlers/ Kirin Rugby Club (Saskatoon)
Jordan Astrope - Executive Director of the Saskatchewan Rugby Union/Regina Highlanders Rugby Club
Rodger Swany - Howlers/Rugby Canada manager/BC Rugby Director/Vancouver Meralomas Rugby Club
Dr. John M. Gillis - Halifax Tars/Nova Scotia Celtics
Kevin Vandeven - Regina Rogues Rugby Club
Jo Reinbold - Edmonton Rockers Rugby Club/Edmonton Rugby Union
Kevin Blanchette - Howlers/Prairie Wolfpack
Tim Powers - Ottawa Irish Rugby Club
Phil Mack - Canadian National 7's player and captain/University of Victoria Vikings Rugby Club/James Bay Athletic Association
Josh Campbell - Regina Rogues Rugby Club
So please join this group of Huggy supporters and send your contribution along with your club affiliation to Rugby Canada, 30 East Beaver Creek Road, Suite 110, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 1J2. Please note the acronym for the program, WSOGFT in the memo field of your cheque. Donations of $100 or more will receive tax receipts. You can also donate online at http://donate.rugbycanada.ca/e/huggy . Please include your club/organization affiliation similar to the above donations.
For more information on this effort, please contact Karl Fix by email at [email protected] .